The Synth God Is Angry

I must have done something to anger the great synth Gods. Now that StatsDawg 0.91, I have been wanting to put more time into music. Specifically, I’ve been wanting to work on my remix of Don’t Fear the Reaper since it is really pretty close to being done. Well, as …

Vegas, Baby!

Last week Corey and I returned to Las Vegas for the second time (although it was basically our belated honeymoon). We flew up last Tuesday and came back late Saturday night. We had a blast! Almost did not want to leave. It actually ended up being somewhat of a family …

Pan’s Labyrinth

Last night Corey and I went to go watch Pan’s Labyrinth with Brandon and Amy. Originally we were going to see The Number 23 but Brandon heard really good things about Pan’s Labyrinth and really wanted to see it. I wanted to watch 23 but it was opening night and …

StatsDawg 0.90 Out!

All told things just keep getting better and better with it. I still have not reached my goal of it being easy to install. It is straightforward, perhaps, but still somewhat involved. The ultimate idea is to download it, unpack it, run the installer and call it a day. It …

DFW: Day 3

Yesterday was out last day at the DC. We spent most of our time building servers; the ones most of the guys there don’t really like to build :) Still, I didn’t mind. It was really fun stuff! I learned a lot about things I had never thought about while …

DFW: Day 2

Yesterday, we spent a good few hours helping to build a high availability configuration across two cabinets. Pretty fun, if involved stuff. I also got to rekick as Linux server. That was fun, and troubleshooting it was SOO much better than our KVM solution. After that, Daniel and I went …