New Vote Topic – Starbucks
Yeah, who knew? It seemed right :) Here are the results from the previous poll: Chicken or Beef? Beef : 6 Fish : 0 I’m Vegan… : 2 Chicken : 3 Total Votes: 11
Yeah, who knew? It seemed right :) Here are the results from the previous poll: Chicken or Beef? Beef : 6 Fish : 0 I’m Vegan… : 2 Chicken : 3 Total Votes: 11
So the Dulce de Leche saga continues. Yesterday Sergio and I went to Starbucks to find their menu had been changed. New signage, colors, the works. And guess what was on the lower left-hand corner of the latte section? Yep. The Dulce. Hope! Finally! Or so I thought. I get …
So Corey thinks that this show is going to bomb. I initially thought the same thing, but you know what? I might be corny enough to be awesome. In any case, I noticed that they threw up a website…dude, it’s awesome. You know it is!
I figured since I have been on a roll lately, why not keep it going by adding albums to the Trax section! Now songs can searched through individually and also using the albums. That way it is easy to just grab a single song or download all the songs to …
So this past week I got quite a few suggestions from various people about how to make the website better and thought I would share them with the masses: Blog comments are now in an RSS feed There is Now a View Slideshow Option When Viewing Photos from a particular …
So since I moved to the DBA team, one of things I have been doing more frequently is drinking coffee, at Starbucks. Now I’m not generally a plain coffee guy (or rather, I can make coffee myself), so I tend to get the spruced up drinks. Don’t get me wrong, …
So it was a bumpy ride due to possibly running into a few bugs, but I have converted my site over to MySQL 5.1 and also switched parts of the site over to PBXT. Things seem to be working well, but I am replicating all changes over to my 5.0 …
I figured since I didn’t give Indy racing much love when I was complaining about GT4, I thought I would take a chance to say why I like Indy Racing, particularly versus NASCAR. Don’t get me wrong, NASCAR has some entertainment value to it, but I watch NASCAR not really …
So today is Sunday, which usually means Race Day. Assuming of course that we aren’t busy doing something else, I usually spend a good part of the day watching racing. My favorite races being the IndyCar series. So it comes no surprise that I like to play a whole lot …