On Vacation W00!

I meant to keep a day-to-day entries but we have been so busy I have not had time (and it IS vacation!). The plane-ride to San Diego was nice and smooth – the only downside being that I had to sit next to a guy with awful breath. Really, it …

SketchFighter. Holy Crap!

So Sergio showed me a new world of fun in a game called SketchFighter and it rocks! It was made by the old-skewl Mac bawlers, Ambroshia Software. The same guys that made Maelstrom for those that remember that game. The cool thing about SketchFigher is that it uses stylized graphics …

RSS Feed Update

I have decided to PHPify the RSS feed. It makes things simpler and the performance hit for doing so is likely going to be small (since all the data will be cached anyway). I did this because it was easier to allow filtering of specific categories. This works now, but …

Updated Trax Downloads Stuff

So a while ago I added some PHP kung-fu to make downloads easier to track. Today I updated it to hopefully work better for people on slower connections or with non-standard configurations. It works like most sites out there where it loads a page that contains a direct link if …

Spammers made me do it!

So apparently my last round of securing the website from spammers made things a bit too restrictive and actually prevented people from creating accounts. Ouch. Well, I seem to have fixed things. My apologizes for the one person I noticed in my logs that tried to register and didn’t :) …