One of my hobbies that has taken a good bit of time lately has been to revamp my photo album. I originally wrote it a few years ago and, while it has served its purpose well, it lacks some features that I would like to see and represents less than …

The Rock Band Pedal Lives!

Lately all of us have been spending the weekends playing Rock Band. It’s a hella addicting game and while the fake guitars have little to do with playing a real guitar, the game is still quite fun. Needless to say, we have put some mileage on the instruments. We already …

Christopher the Minister Rox!

Christopher the Minister rocks! We were listening to him on the way home from having dinner with friends and got to hear him burp. I don’t think enough DJs burp on air. It’s awesome. Anyways, he’s doing a 24 hour marathon on Alt Nation (the Alternative station on Sirius). Looks …

T.K.O. Indeed

So our policy at work is full disclosure and, in the spirit of this, I thought it important to admit something. Love T.K.O by Michael McDonald is awesome. It’s friggin’ awesome. And you know what, I’m good with admitting it…