If I were President…

…I would enact into Law (or try to, anyway) that would require all new cars to display fuel management information to the driver. I was going to say all cars with on-board computers, but I think that’s actually already a requirement (due to ODB-II and other such things). I recently …

FPE Panels Arrived!

Yay! My panels arrived from Front Panel Express, along with my screws and bolts from Mc Master! In fact, they arrived on the same day. That means I finally have all the core parts to put together my MB-6582! Actually, I think I am missing some right-angled pin-headers. I thought …

Dear Konami…

Please release a Dance Dance Revolution game for the PS3 that doesn’t completely suck like the one on the Wii. Less Britney Spears and more Above and Beyond. That is all.

My Denim Couch

Quite some time ago, while Corey and I were still in Austin, we were browsing for furniture one day. I can’t remember the store, but it was some name-brand store (like Rooms To Go or Lacks or something like that). We were not seriously looking really, but just trying to …