Holy crap! “Even Stephen” was on the Col…
Holy crap! “Even Stephen” was on the Colbert Report! I loved that segment back in the day.
Holy crap! “Even Stephen” was on the Colbert Report! I loved that segment back in the day.
I miss #Firefly, but this is pretty awesome: http://tinyurl.com/2ef6jr9
So I fixed searching on the website…again. The problem I had this last time was I wanted to upgrade to a newer version of MariaDB and the version update, again, broke SphinxSE. So I have reverted back to just using the Sphinx API and am happy to report that it …
It has been on my to-do list for some time, but I have finally added Tweets from my Twitter account to the website. I am not sure if I like how I did it though since they are inter-mingled in with my normal blog posts. I wanted to blur the …
https://www.moocowproductions.org/ … now with more Twitter!
Wow…a new 72-pin connector for my NES works like a champ! Thanks Nintendo Repair Shop!
@Ticketmaster, You are going to charge me $2.50 to print out my tickets for @danieltosh but it’s free to mail them? #srslywtf?