Couch to 5k, Day 1 complete (but on a treadmill)
I finally finished day 1 of the Couch to 5k program. I have been struggling a bit for the best two weeks because of what appear to be shin splints. This morning I opted to try something new and run on a treadmill instead with much better results. Previously, I …
Busy busy busy
Busy times, though not that I am complaining since it’s all fun, though I have found that I have had less time to do some things, including keeping my blog up to date. Among the things I have been doing lately is watching Camden grow up (he is crawling really …
ZOMG! iTunes now has transcode-on-sync!
When did this happen!? This is awesome! I’ve been waiting…well…awhile for this but hey I won’t complain! Thanks Apple (finally)!
I <3 Sam Ash
Over the past few months, I have been saving up for an acoustic guitar. That could be a whole conversation of its own. I mean there is size, wood choice, design, brand, all sorts of things. I have been asking some of the other musicians at work and the dominant …
Winning the Worst In Customer Service Award: Olan Mills
One could argue that I am a bit biased when it comes to customer service. At Rackspace, that’s basically what we do. It’s one of my favorite parts of my job. So one could argue I have high standards. Which is mostly true, but I am also a fairly patient …
MySQL Conference, 2010 – Days 3 and 4
Ok so I got a bit behind on updating my blog because I was so busy actually enjoying the conference. The last two days were also quite good with the most informative talk, at least for me, being the talk on PCI and MySQL. That comes up somewhat frequently at …
MySQL Conference, 2010 – Day 2
Day 2 of the MySQL Conference I found to be quite good. Things were kicked off with a keynote by Oracle then followed by Tim O’Reilly (of O’Reilly press – yes, that O’Reilly) which I enjoyed quite a bit. I basically equated O’Reilly to Sarah Conner and Skynet being the …
IndyCar and F1 Suck?
While Dan, Trent, and I were hanging out last night after the MySQL Conference, we brought up racing (actually, I think I brought it up :P). I always like to know what those from other countries things about F1 and IndyCar. Most that I have talked to say the same …