Big Brother’s MaxiPod

I was thinking about this while in the shower this morning. I find I think about a lot of random things in the shower. I guess my mind is racing in the morning. Anyways, the iPad drops today and I am not one of those in line waiting to buy …

Piano Improve On Chat Roulette!

Found this on Digg and then found his YouTube channel. I present to you PianoChatImprov! He plays Firefly like it was cake! This is freaking unbelievable. So unbelievable I Twittered and blogged about it (mostly because I haven’t yet integrated Twitter onto my website…). Anyways I’m getting off-topic, watch that …

Vegas 2010, Baby!

Last Wednesday we left for Las Vegas for the third time. We came back last Tuesday and had a pretty good time for the duration. As usual, though I was going to miss Vegas, I think we stayed the right amount of time – we say a ton of sights …