@notch have you checked any DBs? I assum…
@notch have you checked any DBs? I assume you are running MySQL? Is it tuned and everything?
@notch have you checked any DBs? I assume you are running MySQL? Is it tuned and everything?
@notch Any word on music on MineCraft? I would love to contribute (even for free) just to see more of it!
@Adium perhaps it is because I’m used to it, but I like the tabs on the bottom myself. It’s where the chat bar is so it’s all in one place.
@notch I find MineCraft really needs more music. Do you or would you accept some custom made selections for it?
@IndyCarNation It ended too soon! I would love to see a longer season in the years to come…
@danieltosh the show tonight was awesome! Thanks for coming to our crappy town! Good luck on the rest of the tour! Cant wait till seaaon 3.
I dunno if it was a real #starbucks brownie, but a barrista gave me one today and, oh my God, was it delicious!