During our recent trip to Alaska, we took a day trip on The White Pass Train which was a perfect place to snap some photos!
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While most folks went towards the front of the train, a super helpful engineer suggested we set up camp in the car right behind the engine since, on the way back, that car becomes the caboose and what a treat it was! I shot numerous photos with my DSLR as well as some color film (which I still need to get developed) but the black and whites turned out incredibly well! I like them better than most of my DSLR photos, although some of the colorful landscapes really popped there such that I hope the color film has a few awesome surprises. My hope is to be able to make a few proper black and white prints. Just need to find a local darkroom.
Unlike my first roll of film (since 1999 or so), I managed to get some better contrast with this roll. I’m not yet sure if it was the film, better development process, better scanning process (I have a better rig for “scanning” film using my DSLR) or what but I’m looking forward to trying the roll of Delta 100 I have, along with a roll of Rollei RPX 100 to try as well. I have to say though that the Delta 400 really brought out a lot of character and had rather lovely grain matching the look I had envisioning.
During the trip, even the kiddo got somewhat hooked on film. He still has a roll of Portra 800 to finish up on before I get to load another roll of black and white. Alas, we are back from our vacation now which may require being a bit more creative with finding interesting shots as compared to a train but hey that’s part of the fun!