How did I not know about this!? I am probably the last DJ to know about this but MixCloud is a free service for hosting and listening to DJ mixes. Unlike other avenues, it has licenses to allow the sharing of DJ sets in a more legal manner. Outside of DJing, I’m also a music and member of a band called Victim Cache. My opinion on the matter is that, if someone is helping distribute your music, then they should serve thanks instead of a subpoena. But sadly the big label behemoths think differently. Either way, MixCloud seems to help solve that conundrum and something I greatly appreciate! As both a DJ and listener, MixCloud seems incredibly awesome!
As a result, I will be posting all my sets from here on our on MixCloud and moving over my previous sets as I have the time. Lately I have been focused more on Victim Cache as we have been working on some very cool things in regards to the completion of our first album as well as the starting of the next. But I hope to start continuing work on more demos and some longer sets here very soon! And with the help of MixCloud, I can now bring it to more people in a better (and more legal) way!