We’re on Spotify!
It took a few weeks and a minor mess-up on my part, but we’re now on Spotify! As a bonus, we are also on a number of other online stores as well, but we would really much prefer fans buy … Continue reading →
It took a few weeks and a minor mess-up on my part, but we’re now on Spotify! As a bonus, we are also on a number of other online stores as well, but we would really much prefer fans buy … Continue reading →
Last Saturday the digital copies of my original VHS tapes of all my High School plays arrived and I spent some time this morning checking them out. It’s a digital mountain of memories and, on the downside, it makes me feel old. Turning 30, which will happen in 2 days …
No, it’s not up yet unfortunately, but we do have an update! After some thought, we have decided to set our initial sights on producing a 7″ single from Chipsurf Pipeline. 7″ singles can be really fun, can sound pretty … Continue reading →
I normally post these sorts of things on my personal blog, but I thought I would make an exception here because I think it could very easily relate to our future plans for Victim Cache and thought our fans might … Continue reading →
Or why Bandcamp is awesome! It’s been a little over a week since we let Chipsurf Pipeline loose in the wild and the response has been just amazing! We think transparency is important, however, so I wanted to take some … Continue reading →
For the past I don’t want to think about it years, I have been working on building a complete, fully populated, SID-based synthesizer based on the MidiBox platform. For Chipsurf Pipeline, we used my SammichSID (and SammichFM) here and there … Continue reading →
Now that Chipsurf Pipeline is out in the wild (which you can purchase it on our BandCamp page and, soon, from most of the other online music stores), what are we going to do next? Lots! The biggest things right … Continue reading →
First, a huge THANKS to all our fans, both old and new! The support and kind words about our album, particularly on /r/chiptunes has been wonderful! Thanks also for folks sticking with us while it took so long to release … Continue reading →