Dynamic Range value for Chipsurf Pipeline
John and I often have discussions about mixing, mastering, and dynamic range and one of the things that comes up is wanting to use a more vintage mastering style and preserve dynamics. We knew that Chipsurf Pipeline was probably not … Continue reading →
Happy Hardcore Set?
A friend of mine really into Happy Vocal Hardcore asked me to see if I could put together a set of it. So, Challenge Accepted! As I am fairly focused on getting my demo sets out and doing some marketing … Continue reading →
So my subwoofer exploded last night…
…and freaked out Camden as we think he was standing by it (and next to our couch) so he could have some privacy while he pooped. The sub let out a series of growls, then POP! Nothing. It probably didn’t help Camden’s fear factor that I was playing Borderlands on …
So where are we at with Chipsurf Pipeline?
So where are we at with Chipsurf Pipeline? The tracks have been mastered, tagged, and uploaded. All the album art is done, save for the CD cover we are going to provide with the digital download. That is mostly done … Continue reading →
Added a Vocal Trance Demo
Spent the evening recording out my Vocal Trance demo-set. I turned out rather well and was the product of some improvisation and last minute tweaks, which is good since the demo-sets really are meant to embody my live DJing style … Continue reading →
MCP, now with more syndication!
On the heels of my new thoughts on re-branding, I have now setup aggregate posting from the Victim Cache and DJ Sweetums blogs to Moocow Productions! Turns out that it was easier than I thought it would be and will certainly help simplify things, as well as to provide one …
What’s going on at Victim Cache?
Some of our fan are probably wondering why we have not yet released the album yet. I want to SOOO bad but we want to do it right and it’s been a busy month for both John and myself. January … Continue reading →
Time for a rebrand / refocus?
At this point, I am now maintaining 3 separate blogs, plus Facebook pages, plus Twitter feeds for myself plus our band (Victim Cache) and now my DJ stuff (DJ Sweetums). The reason for all the separation is because they are for distinctly different purposes (read: marketing) and lumping them under …