Gunslinger Ghost-Town
We have been on a sort of hiatus due to the Holidays and other things, but have ramped back up to complete the mastering of our first album! This song is lucky number 13 as far as track numbering goes. … Continue reading →
We have been on a sort of hiatus due to the Holidays and other things, but have ramped back up to complete the mastering of our first album! This song is lucky number 13 as far as track numbering goes. … Continue reading →
Well Christmas has come and gone. This year ours was rather different as it was the first year we had our family Christmas get-together at our house (we used to have it at G-Ma’s and the last few years at Corey’s mom’s). That also means it was the first year …
We decided to go ahead and put our band t-shirts up for sale! Originally, we were going to use them for Kickstarter, but we have decided to use a different shirt design for that instead. So, if you would like … Continue reading →
Every year some of my friends, many dating back to Middle School, get together for what we call Thanksmas. It’s our own little Holiday between Thanksgiving and Christmas that we can spend time, deep fry a few turkeys, usually play some LAN games, it’s good times. We also do a …
I spent part of this afternoon finally getting around to seeing if I could fix the display issues on my Space Duel machine. Turns out that one of the wires that connects the HV board to a wiring harness had come loose so after some cleaning up of dust and …
As you know, I have been trying to get my Scuba certification and fortunately obtained it in time so that I could go diving on our cruise we took a few weeks ago. Lanna (Corey’s step-mom and family friend) also was able to obtain hers and so we ended up …
I had meant to post this weeks ago and just realized I never finished the draft post, doh! Holidays tend to be super busy for me so sorry for those that have not seen this yet! Regardless, I am happy to report that we finished and named our contest song. …
We had quite a bit of fun with this one as we decided to have a contest to find a name for this song. It was conducted via Facebook and SoundCloud with Tom Jenkins being declared the winner for his … Continue reading →
Last week, we went on our first cruise and had an amazingly good time (despite a few issues). Cozumel was absolutely breathtaking, both above the water and under it. We have a mountain of photos and video to sift through which will take some time and plenty to write about, …