My new modded GameBoy

My new modded GameBoy came in the mail yesterday, woo! What makes it different? It has a Pro-Sound mod, green backlit inverted LED display, new faceplate, and purple buttons. I wanted to do the mods myself and all but the backlight are rather easy to do. I opted to use …

Symphony of Vengeance

We (Victim Cache) finally finished Symphony of Vengeance, the latest track off our upcoming album, Chipsurf Pipeline. This one is darker than the other tracks – perhaps even more so than Yakuza (which is, itself, a pretty dark song). The difference is that this one has a driving force behind …

Broken Bells

Today I picked up Broken Bells at Best Buy – on vinyl. It started by out from this post on /r/vinyl that pointed to a list of Best Buy stores that carry vinyl. It was not well received and understandably so. Buying vinyl is one of those things that’s probably …

My New Vinyl Setup

This week all the bits and pieces came in for my new vinyl listening setup. My previous setup did its job and without it I don’t know if I would have gotten into vinyl. Plus it was free :) It’s mission was to help me determine if I would like …

My first new vinyl record

Today my copy of Stephen Colbert’s new silly single arrived in the mail. This is my first new vinyl record I have ever owned. It was pretty fun to spin it for the first time, too, I must say! The record itself is a semi-serious sort of gag gift. It …

Game Over (the store)

Last weekend I went over to one of the Game Over stores in Austin and couldn’t have been more impressed. First the goods: In order, I ended up with: Kirby’s Dream Land Super Mario Land ExciteBike Gradius Fester’s Quest Life Force MegaMan 2 Zelda (Gold Air Fortress Some nice finds …

(When In Doubt) Bomb It Out

We just released another song of our forthcoming album, Chipsurf Pipeline, called Bomb It Out. The name is rather self explanatory once you listen to it, I think. This one was also a bit delayed but, this time, it was because my PC crapped out. It wasn’t a hardware problem. …

Yakuza Finally Finished!

Today, we (Victim Cache) released our 3rd completed song off our forthcoming album (Chipsurf Pipeline). It took a lot longer to end up with a near perfect mix of the song given that it was already 90% of the way there just after recording it. I can say with confidence …