My GM5x5x5

I have had the parts for quite some time, but recently finally got around to making a GM5x5x5 of my own. Surface mount soldering was interesting but not as hard as I thought. I did end up having to solder all 3 of my GM5 chips to my GM5x5x5 boards. …

Search Works! (Again)

So I fixed searching on the website…again. The problem I had this last time was I wanted to upgrade to a newer version of MariaDB and the version update, again, broke SphinxSE. So I have reverted back to just using the Sphinx API and am happy to report that it …

MCP, now plagued by Twitter

It has been on my to-do list for some time, but I have finally added Tweets from my Twitter account to the website. I am not sure if I like how I did it though since they are inter-mingled in with my normal blog posts. I wanted to blur the …