Vegas 2010, Baby!

Last Wednesday we left for Las Vegas for the third time. We came back last Tuesday and had a pretty good time for the duration. As usual, though I was going to miss Vegas, I think we stayed the right amount of time – we say a ton of sights …

Mr. Bacon

Meet Mr. Bacon! He is our newest pet. We actually have had him since last weekend but I have been sprucing up his home and just now got around to taking some photos of him. I have not kept fish as pets for a very long time but a friend …

Searching Now Works Again!

It’s been a while but I finally have search working on the site again. I was having a heck of a time trying to get the older version of Sphinx (specifically SphinxSE) working, but I was finally able to get the new version (0.9.9) up and running! While searching could …

ZOMFG, is that a new song?

There were a few times I thought I would never finish a song ever again but here we are! After over 2 years I finally finished another song. I called it Hello, World because it was a song of quite a few firsts. It was the first song to use …

Why Sony Why!!

Damn you Sony and Polyphony Digital! I have been waiting for Gran Turismo 5 since the PS3 first came out. I was hoping to see it by this March (which would have been a convenient coincidence since my birthday is in March) but NO. According to Ars Technica, they announced …

SparkFun’s Free Day

SparkFun’s Free Day came and went and while I was not one of the lucky few to get any free stuff, it was worth a try. I would call it a success on all fronts, perhaps except for the server stability. Part of the exercise was to stress test their …