Hannah Paige

Congratulations to Brandon and Amy and their new baby, Hannah! She was born yesterday and weighed just under 3 kilograms and was 46.99cm in length (you US measurement types can go ahead and convert those numbers on your own :) Corey, my mom, and I all went out to see …

Screw UPS?

Yeah… To give a bit of back-story, I really wanted this package to be in my hands by today. It’s a DJ-oriented external sound box so that when I do my shows on K-RACK (our internal radio station at work) and need to mix songs, I can actually do so …

Apple Repeating History?

Yesterday Brandon and I were flinging e-mails back and forth in regards to Apple’s surprise rejection of Google’s new application for the iPhone that works with their newly launched Google Voice (formally GrandCentral) product. Admittedly, it got a bit heated and were we passing paper mail back and forth, they …

It Lives!

My MB-6582 lives – or at least the control surface does. It took me three days and some help form the MidiBox forums but I finally had every single LED light up when running the LED test pattern. Unfortunately while doing some load testing, something went awry with my power …

Keeping the Arcade games alive

So as some of you know, I have been fortunate enough to be the keeper of two arcade cabinets – Space Duel (an Atari vector game similar to Asteroids) and Ms. Pac-Man. There are interesting stories to how I ended up with both, but that’s for another day. Both, however, …