Backing up in the Cloud?

Recently I have had an opportunity to beta test the next version of JungleDisk complete with support for Rackspace’s CloudFiles. So far, I have been wildly impressed – it makes taking backups easy and supports Windows, OS X and Linux. It’s also ubiquitous – obviously since it’s in the Cloud. …

Let’s party like it’s 1234567890!

Woohoo! Happy Unix Epoch Day! mysql> SELECT 1234567890 – UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AS Countdown, \ -> UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AS “Unix time”, NOW() AS Date; +———–+————+———————+ | Countdown | Unix Time | Date | +———–+————+———————+ | 0 | 1234567890 | 2009-02-13 23:31:30 | +———–+————+———————+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Faded Paper Figures

I was trolling the MidiBox Forums quite a bit yesterday looking for some answers for my power problems with my own MidiBox SID. While poking around, I found a post about an Indie/Electro band (More like Alt-tronica – there, I just invented another genre!) using a MidiBox SID in their …