It’s alive! (Again)

So for the past few weeks I have been struggling to get my MidiBox SID working again. Everything was working fine, of course, until I decided to mess with it :) Basically, I designed a BankStick board and a C64 optimized power board. Man they look awesome and save a …

MCP Gets InnoDB Lovins

I’ve been meaning to do it for quite some time, but I finally cleaned up some of the less refined issues with the database design for Moocow Productions. Among other changes, I moved all pertinent tables to InnoDB and added foreign key constraints. Trouble is, in order to do that, …

PBXT – Getting closer!

Wooho! So I checked the PBXT SVN repository this morning and was pleasantly surprised by seeing this in the ChangeLog: RN146: Fixed a problem with TRUNCATE TABLE: a failed TRUNCATE TABLE could put the engine into an invalid state that later caused a crash This has been sort of a …