Revolution Room! Finally!

I think I have been saying I would go to the Revolution Room. One of the people I work with spins there and has been wanting me to go for some time. Well, I finally made it. It was quite fun actually. It was not as big as I thought …

Nibs Moves On…

So we had to put Nibbles down today. It was a pretty sad day for us, but I think it was for the best. He had been suffering from a tumor that had grown so large that he was having a hard time. He had a good run though, and …

Canadians Are Weird

So Corey and I decided to give Last Comic Standing another chance this summer. If you are unaware, it’s a reality TV show that pits stand-up comedians against each other. The name sort of explains itself I suppose. Anyways, while I’ll admit the US has some weird ass people that …