Of Suns and…Dolphins?

Alright so I thought I might throw my $0.02 into the whole fanfare about Sun acquiring MySQL. I think it was a surprising but good move. Sun has a lot to provide, is likely looking to strengthen their platform, and appears to be committed to open source. While it remains …

Recent Outages

My server has had quite a wild ride and it has taken some time to get back up to speed. Basically, earlier this week, I put in a maintenance to replace what appeared to be a failing CPU or bad RAM. Turns out there was more busted that I thought …

Merry Christmas!

A little late perhaps, but Merry Christmas to everyone! I was going to change the site to a Christmas theme but my CSS is messy and I’m lazy :) My Christmas sure was good. Corey got me a PS3! And we got a lot of nice things as well from …