Traveling Monoliths

Though it has been a good while since I had touched POV-Ray, I still think it is the best ray-tracer around. These days I have been trying to focus on music in my free time, but I had a really cool idea yesterday morning that I wanted to try and …

Don’t mess with free speech

So while taking a look at Digg today (something I do at least once everyday), I noticed that there were an unusually large amount of news articles related to the HD-DVD encryption scheme being broken. First, let me say good. You ass-clowns should get what’s coming to you for preventing …

New Vote Topic!

So I implemented a way to more easily create Vote topics and while it needs more work, it does make the job easier. As such, I figured it would be fun to try a new vote topic. I’m not sure where I pulled it from, but enjoy :) Here are …