SQLBuster 0.81

So I have been working on a tool here at work that will run a query a specified number of times using a specified number of threads running concurrently. It is actually similar to the new ‘mysqlslap’ utility available in MySQL 5.1, but is designed to operate on a user-defined …

Using VIEWS in MySQL

So one of the things I finally started to figure out, at least sorta, is the concept of VIEWS. I had known about them for some time but never really understood why to use them. I had thought they provided worse performance than by not using them and simply using …

MySQL Conference 2007, Day 4

I’ll begin with a comic my old boss home-fry Ryan sent me. Cute Shawn :) So the last day at the MySQL Conference was pretty fun. I learned a few neat tidbits about PHP6, although I was really more interested in ways to make PHP5 stateful. In other words, have …

MySQL Conference 2007, Day 1

While note quite over yet, the first day at the MySQL Conference was extremely informative. Not only did I learn a ton of things about MySQL 5.1, such as table partitioning, more information_schema enhancements (processlist, and slow query log now in a DB!); I also learned quite a few interesting …

MySQL Conference W00h00!

(First, I should apologize for not updating this thing more. Some funny things have happened that should probably be written down. I’ve been working hard to finish the remix of Don’t Fear the Reaper, which means other interests have suffered some.) Today marks the first day of a fun little …