StatsDawg 0.90 Out!

All told things just keep getting better and better with it. I still have not reached my goal of it being easy to install. It is straightforward, perhaps, but still somewhat involved. The ultimate idea is to download it, unpack it, run the installer and call it a day. It …

DFW: Day 3

Yesterday was out last day at the DC. We spent most of our time building servers; the ones most of the guys there don’t really like to build :) Still, I didn’t mind. It was really fun stuff! I learned a lot about things I had never thought about while …

DFW: Day 2

Yesterday, we spent a good few hours helping to build a high availability configuration across two cabinets. Pretty fun, if involved stuff. I also got to rekick as Linux server. That was fun, and troubleshooting it was SOO much better than our KVM solution. After that, Daniel and I went …

DFW: Day 1

So this week I and a friend from work are up in Dallas visiting our DFW datacenter. Today was the first day out and the first time I got to see the behemoth. We were lucky enough to get to fly up to DFW and even though it was a …

My first (software) RAID

After about two days I finally got the thing largely up and running. My fileserver lately has been having some stability issues which I finally linked to a bad processor. But during my troubleshooting I noticed that my backup solution basically isn’t one if the server can’t stay up long …

It Lives!

After a $5.00 capkit and about four hours, Tanner and I (well, mostly Tanner) finally got around to fixing the arcade monitor in my Ms. Pac-Man game. Though it looks like some color convergence could be done, the results are pretty dramatic: Before After Taking the beast apart was not …

Wii got a Wii!

I’m sorry, the whole ‘ii’ thing is just too cool not to overuse. While wii have had one for a few weeks now, wii finally got ourselves a Wii. Actually, Corey is the one who was able to get to Target in time to buy it. Turns out, the same …