Racker of the Quarter

I guess I must be doing something right. My team voted me Racker of the Quarter at Rackspace. For me, it is quite an honor. That and they offer a nice bonus for it too, which will be directed towards my honeymoon. I am also now in the running for …


The Oxford American Dictionary on my iBook defines an Ordeal as a "a painful or horrific experience." I was fairly prepared for a shopping ordeal over the Holidays – that is to be expected. Imagine my shock when I had to go through one after. It all started two weeks …

Vocals? Well…

So for those that read my blog, you should know that I am working on a remix of Don’t Fear the Reaper. It’s coming along nicely and I have decided that, good or bad, I am going to give the vocals a go. Life is too damn short not to …

Titanium my ass!

I little over two weeks from going to visit the eye-doctor and woudln’t you know it. My glasses decide that they need to break. It happened Monday night. I had just picked up Corey at UTSA (we carpool on Mondays to save gas). She took over the driver’s see. We …

RenFest 2005

After a about an hour or so later, we finally arrived at the Renaissance Festival. It was pretty much like we remembered for the most part; there were a few new shows and shops, but we mostly sticked to what we liked. This time around I really wanted to take …

Toys ‘R Us Kid

…I don’t wanna grow up, because if I did, I wouldn’t be a Toys ‘R Us kid! I haven’t heard that jingle in a while and was unusually reminded of it today. I was at work today and had just finished eating some delicious chicken wings (although they did skimp …

Fanatcism At It’s Best

Well, it’s 2:03am and I have been here at Rackspace since Noon. What can I say? I’m fanatical! Actually, a customer’s server got super hosed after a reboot and I felt the need that I should take the initiative and fix this guy up. I suppose I didn’t have to, …