Being Fanatical.

Yesterday. Wow. It was the day that I fielded my first multi-hour phone call at work. All told, it was a 14 hour shift, not counting my lengthy commute. And, just like the Fuddrucker incident, I got the phone call right when I was about to leave. Doh. I mean …

Week #3

What a crazy week it has been. Last weekend Jacob came into town for the 4th of July, and to buy a car. It was a fun visit, really. We had lunch a Fuddruckers, hang out at Brandon’s, went bowling, played DDR, swam at Medina Lake and shot some fireworks …

Jus’ Chillin’

Well, it’s my third week at Rackspace. I am actually stuck here at work waiting for the 3rd shift to finish their meeting. I don’t mind, though. Just doing some MySQL research, hangin’ with the peeps and idly looking at trouble tickets. It has been a long day, but a …

We Love Tim

Well the Spurs won! I have to say I’m not much of a sports fan usually but it is still was, at the very least, interesting. Some of the guys at work had various theories on why the Spurs took so long to finally win it. Corey suggested that it …

Pepper Strikes Again.

Wow. I should write these things more often. Well, I have started my job at Rackspace. I am still getting a bit used to the hours but it has been pretty fun so far! The people are really nice, fun, laid back, and extremely knowledgeable. Everyone is enthusiastic (well, Rackspace …


I’ve wanted a synth for almost as long as I have been making music. And finally…supposedly coming in Thursday, I will have my brand new Access Virus Classic. I’ve been drooling over that thing for a year or so already and I’m finally shelling out the dough for it. But …


Ok so we’re moved into our new home for the next few months, everything is cool, yadda yadda. Well, the BBS is having some trouble since my friends who were originally going to house the server no longer have access to broadband either…and while we are getting satellite internet, it …