Tim’s random yesterday

This morning I saw a baby bird dive-bomb a poor squirrel while walking around the Tower (on m y way to the Co-op). The squirrel made acute grunt and then ran away into the bushes. The bird flew into another clump of bushes across the sidewalk. I spent most of …

"Vegas, Baby!"

Says Corey. Yeah I am intending on writing every gory detail down about our wonderful Las Vegas trip, and even include pictures, wooo! But things have just got to calm down a bit with school first. I have my OS final tomorrow, and will be following that up with a …

Xbox 360? Box? 360? What?

Is it me or does the supposed new Xbox 360 look kind of, well, dumb? I mean it should be obvious that I am in the PlayStation 3 camp, with it’s Cell processor. And yeah the Xbox 360 may actually have some real hardware, but, come on man. The PlayStation …

Saturday with an OS lab.

Boy am I ready to be done with this school thing…Oliver and I are still hacking away at our OS lab. It runs but our disk image does not match the md5sum that it is supposed to be. The problem is, that is all we have to go on. So …


Well, looks like the power went out on campus tonight. It happened sometime as early as 10:30 and lasted almost an hour. I was sitting in the comfort of our apartment, but I was talking to Kyle about hte OS lab when he pointed it out. Of course, the CS …


Well I did it. I finally bought an iBook! Actually my mom sort of bought it for me as my graduation present. I have to say, if there was one thing that I can take away from my current job…it is that I work with some awesome people. But besides …

Homeward Bound.

Alright, so it has been a while since I cranked one of these out. I guess I have been busy, which really is no excuse since it seems that would be the best time to post. And a few things of importance have happened, I suppose. I finally made the …

Rest in peace, home-fry…

I just found out today. Dibalo, one of the more influential people in the Demoscene, passed away of natural causes which some believe to have been a case of meningitis. I remember that he and I used to get in crazy arguments on #trax (and IRC channel on the predecessor …

I wish I was a monkey…

…so I could throw my poop at Guitar Center. I have never ever been treated so poorly at any other establishment, music store, or otherwise. All I wanted was to have a look around and play with some synths, which I did get to do. Their selection was slightly lacking, …